Lesson Learned

Let me be clear, Jesus has set us free, not partially but completely and wonderfully free!!! Galatians 5:1 passion translation

7/1/20231 min read

gray stones
gray stones

As soon as I became a believer, I received the list, (not on paper) but in my mind. The do's and don'ts of the Christian faith. The sect I was involved with was really big into works to reach the various levels in its faith. So needless to say, the works for salvation mode began. I was trying to do all the do's and don'ts in my own strength. Which led to a lot of frustration and failures and basically me just giving up in some areas of weakness. As the years progressed and my maturity level grew. I started to understand and believe what it meant when Jesus said, "It is Finished" and the verses that explained that we are dead to sin, not by might or by power but by my spirit says the Lord, and so many other scriptures that say we have victory in Christ, (not us). We live from victory, purity, holiness NOT for these virtues. The fruits of the SPIRIT are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith. Galatians 5:22. Apple trees do not stress or tries really hard to produce apples, producing apples is what it naturally does. It is also true for us who have called on the name of the Lord and trust what HE did for us, (what we couldn't do for ourselves). We are pure holy and righteous through Jesus Christ, not by anything we did or did not do. Now I know when the LORD points out an area in my life that needs attention, I don't have to deal with it in my own strength, but in the strength the Lord has given me. He will not ask you to do something without giving you the resources to do it. All praise glory and honor to our beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!!!